Saturday, May 17, 2014



In line with our mission of partnering with individuals, groups or organisations to bring economic and humanitarian assistance, AAD commenced a support project with Vine Heritage Home in the 1st quarter of 2014.


The home, located in the suburbs of Abuja, FCT, gives residence, relief and education to abandoned and indigent children in the rural communities around the FCT. The Home boasts of large play grounds, about six room hostel and nursery. Their impact in the area and beyond is remarkable. Children numbering up to 100 are catered for by the inadequate donations received. Many still live with their poor families in the neighbouring communities, but receive free education, feeding and healthcare from the Home.
Working with the coordinator and founder of the Home, Mr. Olusola Stevens, AAD identified the areas of assistance. We decided to improve the electrical and power generating plan in the premises. Many times the kids are without electricity and adequate ventilation. Needless to mention the danger posed by these needs. 
Bringing in our electrical and power personnel, we effected immense changes in less than a fornight, worth over half a million naira . We donated and installed: Fans, a large generator, an inverter system with a one year warranty, a metal rack to receive the batteries. A simple manual for use was also put together by our personnel. There was a general electrical rewiring and installations for better lighting points and control of the inverter system.

Our assistance won’t stop there. We will continue to provide other kinds of support for Home.

Friday, May 16, 2014


The Amber Africa Development Foundation (AAD) is a coalition of academics, diverse professionals and social activists. A non-profit charity organization, its mandate includes providing financial and technical assistance in areas of health, education and entrepreneurship. Also, supporting in-depth research into developmental issues and social justice.

Projects are targeted directly at individuals, groups or communities (in Nigeria for now).


We advocate excellent education in Nigerian cities and rural communities. We aim to bring improvement in school infrastructure, quality of teachers, sound instruction and educational guidance for students.

Our guidance programs are a joint enterprise involving the participation of teachers, administrators, other educational specialists, and parents. We expect an improvement in the intellectual value of young people in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. These young people would be able to compete positively in society.

Keeping at the fore the economic hardship faced by many families, we partner with schools and organizations in providing education subsidies, including scholarships and reduced fees.


Health-care facilities by the government have been extended to several rural communities; yet, there are numerous districts in the hinterlands living without health-care. The quantity and quality of personnel staffing the government facilities or improvised local clinics are less than desirable. There are still too few doctors and nurses. Spending levels for medicine and equipment are also low.
The Amber Africa Development Foundation is driven by the need to campaign and provide adequate health-care for communities especially those in the rural areas. Knowing we can't achieve this enormous task alone, we partner with individuals and organisations in bringing relief. Together, we will tackle the scourge of malnutrition, a continuing concern of health-care professionals and the government by providing some food assistance for young children and new mothers.

Residents of rural areas have less access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Through our partnerships, we will bring development.


AAD's Initiative is a comprehensive programme to support the next generation of world-changing entrepreneurs -- leaders who are working hard to bring innovations in business, education, etc, hence solving some of the nation's most pressing social and economic  problems.

We identify, support and promote many of the brightest and most innovative entrepreneurs from under-represented groups such as the handicapped, women and young people.

This initiative has begun its vision of raising the profiles and status of diverse entrepreneurs, increasing their access to financial and human capital and bringing varied opinions, insights and experiences to the socially responsible business movement.

The AAD think-tank will advance a new generation of sustainable, community-oriented business models— models that are designed to lift people out of poverty while maintaining a strong commitment to responsible business practices. 


We are driven by the goal of enabling people with great ideas for improving their communities and the world at large to get the support they need to make them happen. We help other initiatives and non-profits access training, funding and other key resources.

AAD provides charitable donations, legal and technical assistance to local independent foundations, groups or individuals, non-profit organizations engaged in entrepreneurship, development, educational and youth focused projects and events.